Boost Your Confidence with a Breast Enhancement Casting
What this spell will help with: Fuller, larger and denser breasts.
Will this happen overnight? NO! Not a chance! There is no double or triple casting that can make this happen overnight!
Does this hurt at all and will I have side effects? YES! You will experience breast tenderness, such as you would during a menstrual cycle.
Will I go from a B cup to a DD cup? It is possible with multiple castings. That is a huge jump in cup size!
How long until I see result? Four to six weeks for small changes that will continue. Can results happen fast? Yes, but I do not guarantee that!
How often do I need to have this spell cast? I originally cast this on myself once a month for six months and then every six months. You can make that decision for yourself.
Will this work if I am transitioning from a male to a female? No, I am sorry, but it will not work.
Contact me with any questions. If you are depressed about your body image in any way, I suggest you add the self-confidence spell to help you with that as well.
Empower Your Confidence Today!
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